When you plan an outdoor party or run a construction site, you will need a portable toilet rental in New Westminster—that is no doubt a no-brainer! However, do you know what you also need to go hand-in-hand with your portable toilet? That is right—a holding tank. Let us find out why renting a holding tank is as vital as renting a portable toilet in New Westminster.


Our Sanitation Challenge

It is the birthplace of the Lower Mainland’s first major city, the site of spectacular celebrations—from the annual Hyack Festival to First Nations commemorations to annual street parties and the monthly Fraser Folk Festival—and the location of constant construction projects along the riverbank, necessitating ongoing sanitation planning. However, portable toilets comprise only half the story. The other half is the unsung star—the holding or sewage tank.


What is a Holding Tank?

So before we get into why you need one when planning for a portable toilet rental in New Westminster, what on earth is a holding tank, exactly? A holding tank is a large, watertight container that is purpose-designed to hold waste from your portable toilet units. It is essentially a portable toilet collection point, which dramatically increases the total capacity of your sanitation operation.


Capacity Matters: Do Not Let Your Event Go Down the Drain

Capacity is perhaps the most important reason to consider renting a holding tank with your portable toilets in New Westminster. Simple portable toilets can have limited storage for waste. And that can be a major concern when organizing large events or working on busy construction sites. When it comes to a portable toilet rental in New Westminster, the addition of a holding tank can vastly increase the amount of waste you can safely store before you need to get the holding tanks emptied. This is especially relevant for events that are going on in popular New Westminster locations. For instance, the Queen’s Park or along the Quayside.


Environmental Responsibility in the Royal City

New Westminster, also known as the Royal City, has been recognized for its environmental efforts. It is situated near the Fraser River, where effective waste management is not mere convenience but an environmental imperative. Holding tanks provide a fail-safe against accidental spillage or rupture. They help to preserve New Westminster’s natural beauty and comply with an increasingly rigorous local regulatory environment.


Compliance with Local Regulations

That brings us back to the matter of rules. And just like in most cities in British Columbia, ours has lots of regulations concerning temporary sanitation. By statute, organizers must equip event or temporary construction sites with enough holding material. Waste storage capacity counts heavily. And renting a holding tank for your portable toilets is arguably the best way to comply with these kinds of regulations. You certainly do not want to face event cancellations or be slapped with steep fines that can ruin your day.


Highly Cost-Effective in the Long Term

Renting a holding tank adds another expense to your overall cost of a portable toilet rental in New Westminster. However, it is more cost-effective in the long term. More storage capacity means fewer frequent servicing requirements for your portable restrooms. This limits the disruption to your event or work site and potentially reduces costs for hauling away the waste. Call us at Total Site to schedule a consultation when convenient!

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