Portable and Fence Events in Surrey: Why You Should Care

Surrey in British Columbia – in the past referred to as a throbbing hive of activity, someplace with a diverse population and successful business community. Recently, homeowners have noticed a curious thing; so too have property managers and event organizers: the rise in portable and fence events in Surrey.

Always Ready to Be Deployed

For Surrey residents and beyond, one of the main reasons behind this surge has been convenience. Installing a regular fence can be an arduous task that takes up time and space – you need heavy machinery for digging holes and sometimes even concrete for filling them. Many models can be assembled by hand (some even come pre-made) – which makes them perfect not only for construction sites but also for festivals or other outdoor events.

“You wouldn’t believe how much time we’ve saved,” admits John Smith (not real name) who runs an event planning company locally. “Being able to throw down a fence before lunch and then take it away again by dinner has opened up new possibilities for us.”

Adaptability and Personalization

But easy setup isn’t all these things have going for them – portables are famously versatile too. You see, there are different types: tall ones, skinny ones; wooden ones with pointy tops versus metal ones with flat bottoms – you just name it! There is literally something out there no matter what kind of aesthetic or branding look someone is trying to achieve — even if that means creating their own from scratch to host portable and fence events in Surrey.

At Total Site Services, we’re getting more enquiries about bespoke designs. Our company has been supplying households and businesses around the area with temporary fencing options for years now so we know what we’re talking about. People want barriers that can bend round corners or follow curves; they want colours matching company logos. And don’t forget height either! Sometimes you need panels high enough to keep prying eyes out whilst still allowing light through.

When it comes to the temporary fencing materials, well, there’s pretty much nothing off-limits either. Powder-coated steel is popular because it looks slick and can be made into any shape; plastic mesh works well if you need something lightweight or weatherproof (like when creating dog runs at outdoor cafeterias). If you’re feeling fancy, why not try bamboo when planning Portable and Fence Events in Surrey? It’s sustainable and stylish!

Value for Money

As if all that wasn’t enough, price has played a part too – another reason behind this newfound popularity for portables in Surrey: they’re cheap! Traditional fencing costs an arm and a leg what with labour, materials etc. But temporary ones won’t break the bank especially if you only plan on using them once year round like most people do.

“We simply love it,” says Sarah Lee (name changed) who manages several commercial buildings hereabouts. “We’d have put up permanent fences but we just can’t afford it – not when there are so many other things vying for our limited budget.”

So yes, admittedly the first time you buy a portable fence may seem like quite an investment but trust me when we at Total Site Services say that it pays for itself eventually. For example, the average lifespan one these babies is around ten years meaning even if only used twice annually (e.g., during summer concerts) each unit could save up a whopping one thousand dollars in comparison with traditional equivalents over their useful life. Call us now to learn about portable and fence events in Surrey!

Environmentally-Friendly Portable Fencing

According to statistics from the Surrey Environmental Department, over the past five years, there has been a sixty per cent increase in requests for permits related to temporary or portable fencing.

What makes this kind of fence so desirable? One reason is its ability to be easily moved and reconfigured as needed. Whether it’s for a construction site, event space, or residential property – portable fencing offers flexibility that traditional fences do not provide.

In addition to being highly convenient, these types of fences are also designed with environmental sustainability in mind. Many feature panels are made from recycled materials such as plastic or aluminium, which can be disassembled and stored for future use – reducing waste while minimizing the carbon footprint associated with conventional fencing methods.

Portable fences have always had an edge over their permanent counterparts when it comes to cost-effectiveness. However, this advantage has never been more pronounced than now. With rising prices of building supplies and labour costs steadily increasing throughout British Columbia – businesses and homeowners alike are looking for ways to save money without sacrificing quality or safety standards – making portable fencing systems an attractive alternative.

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